Famous Heroes    

A famous hero is a hero who is well known by the general population. 
Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters, Barack Obama
Curly from Crazy Horse's Vision by Joseph Bruchac

Sitting Bull was a Sioux medicine man.  He is quoted as saying "For peace, it is not necessary for eagles to be crows." (from of Thee I Sing: A Letter to my Daughters by Barack Obama)

As one student so eloquently synthesized, "We aren't all the same, yet we can all be friends.  We don't have to be mean because we are different.  We can be happy that we are different."

Martin Luther King, Jr. was wise and brave.  He persevered on his quest to change laws and provide equal rights for all people.

Ruby Bridges walks through crowds of protesters daily, some screaming hateful words, others spitting at Ruby.  One day, Ruby stops in the crowd.  Mrs. Henry watches from the classroom.  What do you think Ruby is saying to the crowd?